Welcome to UBS Travel & Tour website. Thank for visit to this site, We hope that this site is very informative in satisfying your travel needs. We sell airline tickets and will assist you in getting your Indonesian passport. We sell domestic and international tickets at affordable price.
Selamat Datang di Blog kami, Terima kasih atas kunjungannya Kami harap dengan adanya web ini anda dapat mencari informasi yang anda butuhkan mengenai travel.
For group tickets/tour or company tickets/tour, please call us, our friendly staff will gladly handle your travelling needs with care. We do have English speaking staff, so please do not hesitate to give us a call or email us.
Untuk pemesanan ticket/tour, silakan hubungi kami, dengan pelayanan yang bersahabat akan membuat anda nyaman saat bertraveling. jadi jangan ragu-ragu untuk menghubungi kami
Kami selalu siap melayani anda, Silakan kunjungi kami di ;
Jl.Diponegoro 171 Sanglah
Denpasar 80114 Bali
phone : (0361)222123 (Hunting)
Fax : (0361)223399
Email/YM : ubstour@yahoo.com
We, at UBS Travel & Tour, are ready to help your vacation more enjoyable.
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